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F-35's to Counter Iran | Romanian F-16 Training Center

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šŸŽ™ļø Latest podcast Grace Tinkey - Grace is a former C-17 Loadmaster and about to start Air Force Pilot Training. She shares her experience with Afghanistan 2021 and her journey to pilot training (itā€™s pretty impressive)

šŸŽ™ļø Into the Fire Next week we are bringing one out of the vault. CW5 Joseph Rosamond and his crew rescued over 240 people who were trapped by a wildfire and faced certain death on September 5th, 2020

šŸŽ™ļøThanks for being a subscriber here are a few free ā€œThere I wasā€¦ā€ stories. Hope you enjoy!

CH-47 Piloted by Joesph Rosamond on Approach to Rescue Hundreds

Radar Scope:

āœˆļø "One Ping Only Vasily"...might be too much China claims they have taken a deep dive into next-gen tech, testing new submarine-detecting device based on 6G communication technology. This terahertz device can spot minuscule surface vibrations in the open sea, so tiny that they're a mere 10 nanometres tall. Not just finding submarines, this tech might also spill the beans on critical intel like noise signatures or even the submarine model.

No one asked me, but hereā€™s my opinion: While the world's still grappling with 5G, now we must worry about 6G. Maybe this is propaganda, maybe itā€™s not. There is always a thread of truth. This technology would potentially compromise the sea portion of our Nuclear Triad.  The ability to move stealthy under the worldā€™s oceans to deter aggression is one of the key traits of our nuclear submarines.

"Gulf's Latest Guest List: F-35s, Harriers, and..." The Gulf's getting crowded as Hill Air Force Base's F-35s make an entrance, closely tailed by the Harriers from USS Bataan. It's all hands on deck to counteract Iran's increasing shenanigans in the region. With the Harriers from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit now keeping watch over the Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, it seems the U.S. is sending a clear "watch this space" message.

No one asked me, but hereā€™s my opinion: The U.S. might be trying to play it cool, focusing on Asia and Europe, but the Middle East? It's that ex you keep saying you're over but can't stop checking up on.

"Pentagon's UFO Help Desk: We're from the Government, we're here to help" The Pentagon's official UFO hub, the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), has rolled out the red carpet for U.S. government and military personnel or contractors with direct knowledge of U.S. Government programs related to UAPs dating back to 1945 to disclose what they know. In July 2023, a U.S. Air Force and intelligence community veteran told a Congressional subcommittee that the American government is hiding the existence of a "multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program." No definitive proof of those claims have come to light, but several members of the U.S. Congress have vowed to get to the bottom of them.

No one asked me, but hereā€™s my opinion: ā€œWhat happened to Craig? I havenā€™t seen him for weeks.ā€ ā€¦ā€Oh no, you didnā€™t hear?! They said it was a tragic accidentā€¦ā€

 "Poland's F-16 Makeover: More Than Just a Fresh Coat of Paint"Poland's stepping up its aviation game. Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Mielec, a subsidiary of the American Lockheed Martin, proudly announced the production of their first fuselage structure for the F-16 block 70/72 jets. While currently they're crafting about 50% of the aircraft's fuselage, plans to ramp production to 70-80% by the end of next year.  Polandā€™s Air Force has been operating the F-16 for over 15 years and is slated to get their first F-35ā€™s in 2024.

No one asked me, but hereā€™s my opinion: It would be interesting to hear the reasons jumping to Poland to produce components for the F-16. My guess, labor pool, costs, and alliance interdependency all play roles.  

F-16 Training Center Announced in Romania

We covered it last week and now a bit more info is trickling out about how F-16ā€™s and Ukraine will become a truth. Outside of issues with supply and logistics, training will be a significant hurdle for the Ukrainian Air Force when it comes to employing the F-16.

Lockheed Martin, announced on August 31st , it is setting up shop in Europe with an F-16 training center. While the main guests of honor will be Romanian pilots, it's likely to become an open house party where other regional F-16 operators, including Ukraine, might drop by for some top-tier lessons.

Now, why all this fuss about a schoolhouse? Well, Europe's been quite generous lately. Countries like Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway are sending over 60 F-16s to Ukraineā€¦ some might say the best high-tech housewarming gift.

Ukrainian pilots are brushing up on their English in the U.K. and the U.S., this new European F-16 academy is set to be a likely spot for future Ukrainian pilots to train in the F-16. Last week the U.S. said Ukrainian pilots would train in Tucson, AZ with the 162nd Fighter Wing.

CH-47 Packed with Individuals Rescued by CW5 Rosamond and Crew

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